Your AI-powered investment assistant

Our advanced sourcing algorithm is designed to seamlessly integrate with your fund's unique approach. It's not about altering your strategies; it's about enhancing them. With our tool, your team can focus on what they do best – evaluating prospects and forging meaningful connections, while we handle the rest.

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Your AI-powered investment assistant

Effortless integration, maximum efficiency

Our solution effortlessly dovetails with the platforms you already trust and experience a smoother workflow without the need for additional learning curves.

Here we add some network science and statistics expertise, and magically connect the dots.
Your AI-powered investment assistant

Tailored Insights for Strategic Decisions

Each member of your investment team will receive a prioritized, personalized list of companies to review. Our system ensures:

Seamless synchronization with your existing CRM.

Easy tracking of reviewed companies.

Semi-automated outreach, including follow-ups and reminders.

Your AI-powered investment assistant

Reliable feedback loop: process that keeps getting better

How can you be sure you're covering all bases? Our system monitors public deal announcements, providing you with valuable insights

% of companies missed

Identification of startups not flagged by our algorithm.

% of companies not evaluated

Tracking of flagged startups that weren't reviewed by your team.

% of missed deals

Insight into potentially valuable startups that were noted but not actively pursued.


Ready to talk?

Discover how our Data-Driven as a Service can transform your approach to deals.